
Diff Commander logo Visual Comparer logo Diff Commander + Visual Comparer (Bundle Edition)
Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 Setup (17.30 Mb) Zip (17.23 Mb)
Diff Commander logo Diff Commander 2.70 (build 0505) What's new in this release?
Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 Diff Commander - visual file directory compare and synchronize tool Setup (16.35 Mb) Diff Commander - visual file directory compare and synchronize tool Zip (16.28 Mb)
Visual Comparer logo Visual Comparer 1.80 (build 0607) What's new in this release?
Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 Visual Comparer - file compare and merge tool Setup (15.05 Mb) Visual Comparer - file compare and merge tool Zip (14.98 Mb)